Friday, June 4, 2010

Geek Dinner, June 15th, Max's Place

Stayed in Bloomington for the summer and suffering from technology withdrawal? Never fear, it's time for another Geek Dinner! Max's Place has a nice variety of sandwiches, pizza and some good beer to enjoy while you discuss technology. Writing the next great iPad app? Or has AT&T's new pricing plans forced you over to the Android market? Maybe you're bypassing all of the mobile applications in favor of the new Silverlight release.

Tell us about it at Max's Place on Tuesday! (But try not to leave that next generation iPhone at the bar).

See you at Max's Place, Tuesday, June 15th, at 6:00 PM.

1 comment:

Cairril Mills said...

Hi Ben -- Good to meet you last night. Can you add me to the email list, please? cairril [at] cairril dot com. Thank you!