Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Geek Dinner, November 10th, Greek's Pizzeria

We're in a bit of a somber mood this month as three giants of the technology world passed away recently: Steve Jobs, cofounder of Apple; Dennis Ritchie, the inventor of the C programming language, and John McCarthy, the creator of Lisp.

We're getting together to celebrate the lives of these three great technologists, and we hope you can join us too. We'll meet at Greek's Pizzeria on Thursday, November 10th (that's 11/10/11, a nice binary date) at 6PM, and talk about how they've influenced us. And of course, if there are any other topics you'd like to discuss with local technologists, come along and bring them up too!

Come join us for food, drink, and talking tech with the geeks of Bloomington. That's Thursday, November 10th, at 6PM, at Greek's.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Geek Dinner, August 4th, Opie Taylor's

Come downtown to Opie Taylor's for our summertime Geek Dinner! Pick up some new contacts for that Google Plus account, or share what you're listening to on Spotify or Locally, you can make your plans for the next Combine, and maybe come up with some ideas for the next Bloomington Startup Weekend - both are coming in the fall. Or, share your gadgets you've created at the new Bloominglabs Hackerspace. The local tech scene is jumping so come see what's exciting here in town!

See you at Opie Taylor's, on Thursday, August 4th, at 6:00 PM.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Geek Dinner, April 6th, Max's Place

Max's Place has a new location right on the square, with more tables and a new stage. You'll be able to try them both out at the next Geek Dinner, because a special Geek Musical Attraction will be there. Five Year Mission ( is an Indianapolis band trying to create an original song for every episode of the TV series Star Trek. Last November at Starbase Indy, the group released their first CD ("Year One") and plan to continue releasing one CD a year at that event ... leaving us hanging for another eight months. 5YM will be performing some of the songs for the Bloomington Geeks at our gathering at Max's Place. They will also bring their CD to sell for $10, so bring some extra cash to grab a copy. If you have kids who are into sci-fi, bring them along to enjoy the show!

SociaLens (, a local social media consultancy helping organizations thrive in the digital age, played a big part in getting the band to Bloomington. They'll also be providing some free pizza and will introduce the band, whose performance will then segue into the regular Open Mike Night event at Max's.All this on top of the regular enticements of food, drink, and talking tech with local technologists, science fiction buffs, entrepreneurs, and makers. Don't miss it! See you at Max's Place, Wednesday, April 6th, at 6PM.

To help deal with the logistics involved, we need to have a good idea of who is attending. We have space at Max's for 60-80 people. Please visit to RSVP.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 15000 Celebration, January 25th, Fountain Square Mall

If you're a Linux user, you may know that epoch time refers to the number of seconds since Jan. 1st, 1970. The 15000th day of epoch time is coming up soon, and what better reason for a celebration? The fine folks at Suso , a Bloomington website hosting and website design company, are sponsoring a gathering in the Fountain Square Mall ballroom to support this important event! (Suso is a Bloomington web hosting and Internet services provider and website development company.) Come along and discuss why you prefer Linux over Windows, Java over .Net, and...Oracle over Microsoft?

Hmm, that last one might be tricky. Maybe we'll just talk about your new Verizon iPhone, or what you learned at CodeMash in Cleveland. But whatever you choose, come for pizza, drinks and to talk tech with all the geeks of Bloomington! Suso is located at 101 W. Kirkwood Avenue, Suite #222. Visit for more information.

See you at Fountain Square Mall, Tuesday, January 25th, at 5:00 6:00 PM.