Monday, July 19, 2010

Geek Dinner, Aug 2nd, Sweet Grass

Okay, so a little thunder and lightning kept you away from our last geek dinner. C'mon, what's a tornado or two between friends? (OK, I actually didn't show up either. If you did, hope you had a good time!) But now it's time to make that one up by driving a little south to Sweet Grass.

Sweet Grass is a relatively new Bloomington offering that brings South Carolina style fried green tomatoes and shrimp po'boys to town. But the highlight isn't on the food, we know, but talking tech - and Bloomington is offering a lot of chances to talk tech these days - the Bloomington Technology Partnership is rolling, The Combine is coming in September, and TedX Bloomington is on the way next year!

So come and talk about how you talk about technology. See you at Sweet Grass, Monday, August 2nd, at 5:30 PM.


Jeremy L. Gaddis said...

Their web site says they're closed Mondays.

Ben Fulton said...

They don't HAVE a web site that works, as far as I know. Where are you looking?

Robert George said...

Hi I'm new to Bloomington, and I was wondering if your group was open to newcomers and if I might join you?

Ben Fulton said...

Please do! The group is self-selecting - if you think you might be a geek, you'll probably fit right in :)

I verified with Sweet Grass that they are open on Mondays.

Unknown said...

Robert, I'm new to the group too and am excited about coming for the first time. See you there!